
Die Zeit, die ist ein sonderbar Ding.
"He had a theory that musicians are incredibly complex, and know far less than other artists what they want and what they are; that they puzzle themselves as well as their friends; that their psychology is a modern development, and has not yet been understood." – E. M. Forster

Archive for September, 2004

Thursday, 30 September 2004

Forster immortalized in pop culture

Well, it’s true. I’m still shocked to say the least, but within a five-day span there were two major references to E. M. Forster‘s work on prime time television — and on two shows I actually watch (and like). First, on the season premiere of Joan of Arcadia (24 Sept. 2004), there was a scene pretty much devoted to Howards End (the book) and "Only connect…" When I heard Joan identify the book and she and God kept talking about it, you could have put a mirror up to my face and it wouldn’t have fogged up. I’m still shaking my head and grinning over that one. Then later I found out that the name of the episode is none other than "Only Connect." I’m being a tad nitpicky and I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but it would have been so nice to have heard Forster’s name. Oh, and I almost forgot to say: God recommends Howards End! 🙂

Then on the second episode of Gilmore Girls (28 Sept. 2004), the hour was almost up, when who should show up in the last scene? Lucy Honeychurch and Charlotte (okay, Helena Bonham Carter and Maggie Smith) looking out their pensione room window in A Room with a View (the film) as Rory and Lorelai watch the DVD. I was especially surprised that it was a serious moment; I would think Lorelai would make fun of a Merchant/Ivory film, but maybe not. The movie or its title or cast (or original writer or adapter) was not referenced at all. Merchant/Ivory is mentioned quite often in pop culture, so this one was not too much of a surprise, but the Joan of Arcadia bit on the actual novel of Howards End just threw me for a loop.

I need to get going, but I’ll write more about this later.

Posted at 1:11 pm | Filed under Musings & everything else |