
I'm hiding out in the big city blinking.
"He had a theory that musicians are incredibly complex, and know far less than other artists what they want and what they are; that they puzzle themselves as well as their friends; that their psychology is a modern development, and has not yet been understood." – E. M. Forster

Wednesday, 14 March 2001

Latest news

     Hey there. Wow, it’s been over a month since the last update! How did that happen? 🙂 It rained felines and canines for a while (with some awesome hail and lightning/thunderstorms to round out the madness), then there was a respite for a few days, rained again, repeat cycle 2x…now we seem to be in sunny/cloudy/rain-free weather. Latest goings-on: Still swamped with projects, and I dearly miss playing guitar and recording some new stuff that I’ve wanted to work on. Soon, I hope…

     Good news (for me, anyway) since the last time I wrote: I’m going to see David Gray perform! (A big thanks again to Jay for picking up the tickets.) 🙂 I’m really looking forward to the show. I know that DG postponed his European tour because of an illness in the family, so I hope that by the time May rolls around things will look better and that he and his family will be in good spirits. I also heard an interesting interview/live performance (taped in January) of him on Ground Zero with Chris Douridas over the weekend, where he played three unreleased — and I think still unrecorded — songs. Now, if you don’t know who David Gray is, then (1) you haven’t talked to me recently, (2) it’s either your first time reading my plan here (welcome!), (3) you did read my previous plan(s) but managed to block out my DG raves or (4) you did talk to me but managed to block out my DG raves (hmm…). 😉

     Music of the moment: David Gray and Richard Buckner still claim two spots in my my CD player but I have changed three discs since the last update. I’m sure that by this time next month there will be at least another CD change; DG’s wonderful acoustic album Lost Songs will finally be released in the U.S. on April 17th! I’ve already pre-ordered my copy. 🙂

     And last thing: I finally got a cable release for my camera. Yay! I haven’t gotten a chance to try it out on some nice long 3-minute exposures though. Maybe I’ll wait a week or so when the moon isn’t so full, to be able to get some good star shots.

     Quote for the time being: "[When] a guy reaches for his wallet and pulls out the periodic table, you know you’re in for a good night." — Michael Feldman, commenting on his guest, geology professor John Valley (Whad’ya
, 13 January 2001).

Posted at 12:00 am | Filed under Music, Musings & everything else, Photography, Radio, NPR, etc.

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