
Every time every year, the travelers come and go; you see them landing with their pale wings and flying back to the snow.
"He had a theory that musicians are incredibly complex, and know far less than other artists what they want and what they are; that they puzzle themselves as well as their friends; that their psychology is a modern development, and has not yet been understood." – E. M. Forster

Saturday, 29 March 2003

A very welcome return

For the past week and a half — ever since President Bush gave the first order to attack Iraq — NPR stations and some television networks have been pre-empting their usual programming in favor of news. For nearly a full week, KCRW shelved many of its normally scheduled shows during the day to provide special coverage of the war. Today, the station returns to normal programming, with hourly news updates and reports of any breaking news.

Last weekend I found myself actually needing to hear some Weekend Becomes Eclectic music, but when I switched to 89.9 I realized that regular programming was still on hiatus. Understandably so, of course. I appreciated the decision, but a part of me still needed to hear the music, to get some reassurance and energy. It reminded me of when the last Bush-ordered war on Iraq began over ten years ago. During that time, my main hobby was in old-time radio, and I listened without fail to the Jack Benny Program every Saturday night on KNX. Well, the war happened and I found myself especially wanting to hear Jack Benny, but it and all the OTR had been nixed for news. IIRC, KNX didn’t reinstate its daily "Drama Hour" until weeks later.

Not being able to listen to WBE last weekend also got me thinking about how I felt when I listened to WBE on the first weekend post-Sept. 11, 2001. Selfish and unsympathetic as it may sound, I definitely missed hearing the show last Saturday and Sunday. But if you read that entry from 2001, maybe you’ll understand why.

I welcome back all of the shows, but am especially grateful for the return of WBE and its uncannily healing powers. I’m looking forward to hearing Anne Litt‘s playlists for today and tomorrow.

Quote for the time being:

But give me love over,
love over,
love over this…
and give me love over,
love over,
love over this…

— from Coldplay’s "Politik," A Rush of Blood to the Head (2002)

Posted at 2:11 am | Filed under Anne Litt/Weekend Becomes Eclectic/The A-Track, Music, News commentary

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4 replies

  1. agreemsg. I just posted essentially the same thing, although for me it is all the NPR cultural programming like Wait Wait and Says You that I want back.

  2. Ah, but maybe I’m spoiled on that front, because I listened to “Wait Wait” via its Web site, and “Says You” via the live RA streams like from KUOW (Sunday at 1). So last week I got to hear those shows. However, since “Weekend Becomes Eclectic” is broadcast live and not taped for later release, it obviously wasn’t on.

  3. Ah, didn’t think of that, but I wasn’t sitting at a computer a lot of that time.

    I just dislike the disruption of my schedule. I had the same feelings of withdrawal when I was (a frosh?) in college and Tienamen Square coverage disrupted Saturday morning cartoons. (I’m not saying I’m *proud* of that, just that was what I felt at the time.)

  4. No, I think I understand. We all need distraction and relief from and in life. Laughter and music are really my drugs (crutches?) of choice. And whether it be Saturday morning cartoons, or Jack Benny at 9 p.m., or Says You or WBE with Anne Litt, or being silly with friends, or whatever…if they’re a part of our everyday routine and our sense of “normal,” then I agree, it’s only natural to miss that routine when it’s been disrupted…especially if a part of the routine helps us cope and deal and keep us sane.